It is my pleasure to invite you to the 49th edition of the Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, to be held in Portland, Oregon, USA. Located on the banks of the Willamette river, between the Pacific Ocean and Mount Hood, Portland is the economic and cultural heart of the Oregon State. DSN 2019 is hosted by the historic Benson Hotel, located in the heart of Portland downtown.
Over the years, DSN has pioneered the fusion between dependability and security research, understanding the need to simultaneously fight against accidental faults, intentional cyber-attacks, design errors, and unexpected operating conditions. DSN is also providing a fruitful ground for academia and industry interaction.
The 2019 edition offers an attractive program. The first day features three workshops: Data-Centric Dependability and Security, Dependable and Secure Machine Learning, and Safety and Security of Intelligent Vehicles. The following three days are dedicated to research track presentations, an industry track, fast abstracts, and student forum presentations and discussions. Three selected papers from the Silicon Errors in Logic – System Effects (SELSE) workshop will be also presented.
This year we have several outstanding invited speakers. Virgil Gligor, of Carnegie Mellon University, will present “Establishing and Maintaining Root of Trust on Commodity Computer Systems”. Stefan Poledna, TTTech, will talk about “Automated Driving and its Grand Dependability Challenges”. Norbert Seifert, Intel, will open the Industry Track with “Radiation Effects in modern Si based Semiconductors”. Jaynarayan Lala of Raytheon Company will lead the Birds of a Feather session, and talk about “Autonomous Vehicle Safety: What Lessons Can We Learn from Aviation?”.
In addition to the Best Paper Award, and the well-known William C. Carter and Jean-Claude Laprie Awards, this year the Test-of-Time Award will be given for the first time.
The DSN conference would not have been possible without the support, hard work, and dedication of the steering committee, organizing committee, program committees, and the volunteers. Many thanks to our sponsors, IEEE, IFIP, AMD, KAUST, NSF, Intel, TTTech, NVIDIA, ORACLE, and WPI.
I look forward to meeting you in Portland!
Cristian Constantinescu, Advanced Micro Devices, USA
DSN 2019 General Chair