Starting from this year, a new award called Test-of-Time Award is instituted. Two papers published 10 years ago in DSN, in the regular paper category will be awarded. DSN has several areas under its umbrella and with two awards there are conditions to recognize more than one area.
The award recognizes two outstanding papers published 10 years ago at DSN, in the regular paper category, that have had a sustained and important impact on the theory and/or practice of dependable systems and networks computing research. DSN has several areas under its umbrella and with two awards there are conditions to recognize more than one area. In exceptional situations (not enough nominations), the time frame for awards can be extended to 10-12 years, and only one paper can be awarded, in this order.
The Test-of-Time award is selected by an Award Committee appointed by the DSN Steering Committee chair and the current DSN PC chairs. The award takes the form of a plaque presented to the author(s) at the conference.
Selection will be done by a Committee of 5 members, referred to as Test-of-Time Award Committee. The committee should be representative for all research and geographical areas, with one member appointed as chair.
Persons having a conflict of interest with a nominated paper cannot be members of the award committee.
The Test-of-Time Award Committee members can make nominations and will seek nominations from members of the community. Selection will be done by voting by the Test-of-Time Award Committee.
Nominations can be made by any person who is familiar with the paper. The paper must have been published in proceedings 10 years ago in DCCS or PDS Tracks, or DSN Main Track after the merge date of DCCS and PDS.
The supporting material for the nomination, sent by email at the address, should include:
Nominations by the award committee itself are admissible at any time during the deliberation and selection process, subject to the conflict of interest rules established above.
Nominations are due on February 8, 2019. For complete information on the Test-of-Time Award please visit here.
For 2019, the Test-of-Time Award Committee decided to select the following papers:
Citations and complete information on the award can be found on the award web page: here.